Visitor pressure in European tourism cities

Western European cities are more frequently visited by tourists. Spending by tourists provides economic benefits to cities. Yet, it became clear that the residents of European cities more often have a negative attitude towards tourists. This negative attitude is caused by busy city centres full of tourists, noise and other irritations experienced by residents. Therefore, together with CELTH we launched a study to provide an overview of the problems caused by visitor pressure in cities. The research focuses on six major cities in Europe: Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Copenhagen, Lisbon and Munich.

  1. New insights and perspectives to better regulate visitor pressure in tourism cities
  2. Insight into the opinions of residents
  3. Knowledge of research methods that can be used to prevent physical and mental visitor pressure
  4. A classification of types of cities and problems
  5. Dozens of strategies for dealing with visitor pressure


  • Cities have obtained recommendations for management strategies that can be used to deal with visitor pressure
  • Increase of knowledge about sustainable urban tourism
  • Understanding of European urban visitor flows

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