Journal of Tourism Futures
Since 2015, we are the only dedicated research institute in the Netherlands that publishes its own open access academic journal. The purpose of the Journal of Tourism Futures is to add academic disciplines to tourism futures research.
Top ranked tourism, leisure & hospitality journal
Our Journal of Tourism Futures belongs to the top 25% of all 123 journals in the domain of Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality and outranks many established journals in this field. All research publications are reviewed by an international academic editorial board. You can apply the new, scientifically proven insights directly within your tourism organisation.
What kind of contents does the Journal of Tourism Futures feature?
- Articles with results of studies conducted by international scientists
- Assessed research on various tourism themes
- Studies focused on the future of tourism
- Three times a year, a publication appears by Emerald Insight
- Attractively designed magazine
What has been discussed in previously released Journals of Tourism Futures?
12 tourism trends that will shape the future of world tourism
In 1950, world tourism began with 25 million international arrivals according to the UNWTO. In 2019, this reached 1.45 billion. Then COVID-19 arrived, and the world changed. It is forecasted that tourism will lose over one billion international arrivals in 2020. This is a conservative estimate. So, what is the future of global tourism? Micro trends are a subset of the mega drivers of change. These micro trends are focused on how mega drivers reshape and adapt within a specific context, i.e. tourism. In the new special issue of our Journal of Tourism Futures, we highlight 12 contributions from authors who identify a series of micro trends which will be global forces going into the future.
The Future of Polar Tourism
Tourism in the Polar Regions is quite a cool topic. As these regions have heated up, so too has the interest in visiting them. The special issue of the Journal of Tourism Futures about The Future of Polar Tourism represents the culmination of more than 10 years of work by the International Polar Tourism Research Network (IPTRN).
Millennials and Generation Z: challenges and future perspectives for international tourism
One of the issues of our top-ranked Journal of Tourism Futures examined the future through generational lenses. The generational shift represents a major force that will shape the future of tourism. More specifically, this special issue concentrates upon the relationship between the Millennial Generation, Gen Z members and Tourism. These generations represent a clear break with the past in many ways.
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